Group 219
Welcome to Alien Town!
Do you believe in aliens? Have you seen a UFO? In our second unit this year, your child will
learn how to write a description… of an
alien. They will become familiar with
sizes, shapes, and colours, and even
learn how to place all these
different adjectives in order.
You can watch the short video we
saw in class to practice the description of the two main aliens.
Articles: A and AN
When do we use the article A? When do we use AN? Listen to this catchy song to find out! If you want to practice, click HERE.
Welcome Back
It's a new school year, time to review
school vocabulary! In this student booklet,
we will review School Vocabulary, the
articles A and AN and we will write a short
text describing what's in a pencil case.
At home, I invite you to review their VIRTUAL RESOURCE BOOKLET and sing this fun school supplies song.
As we take the time to settle in and get to know each other, the students will complete an "All About Me" project and learn to use the English to Go picture dictionary,